The fourth day of the seventh month represents an american legacy. Independence, gluttany and blowing crap up. These three rights are inalienable, and are available to all who enter the gates of freedom into the great country of America. The founding fathers wanted this for us. The great influencer of the founding fathers, John Locke (no, not the bald guy on Lost), described these rights as being life, liberty and property, and Jefferson like the phrase "the pursuit of happiness", but what they really meant to say were the three rights I identified.

- Independence: We are all blessed with freedom in this great country. Freedom to vote, freedom to be an anarchist; freedom to worship the God of heaven and earth, freedom to worship Oprah; freedom to listen to Yanni, freedom to rock; freedom to be understanding and equal, freedom to join hate groups and burn crosses. And we can be as independent as we want. We can live independent of government subsidies or welfare checks; independent of a party line or government propoganda. Independent from each other; independent of ourselves. Yes, this is Freedom.
- Gluttany: We can use resources like nothing else. And we do. Money? Can you say "National Debt"? Food? Yeah, we're obese. Gas? We guzzle. Energy? Anyone remember the "Rolling Blackouts"? Yep, America is all about gluttany. And what's not to love about that?
- Blowing Crap Up: That's right. This country was founding upon destruction.
Throwing tea off boats, beating the crap out of redcoats, and flipping off King George. The rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, it all gives proof that are country is still here. As long as things are exploding, America is thriving. Some of our greatest heroes are the Chinese, Enola Gay, and Louis Feiser (who discovered napalm). Even anti-American Americans who protest gluttany, do it fine fashion, exploding Hummers. We love blowing crap up.

And thus, this is how it panned out for me. I went to a free hot springs, pigged out on bleu cheeseburgers and fried oreos, and watched an incredible fireworks show, followed by me exploding some stuff of my own.

God bless the USA
So let's blow-up some Oreos before we eat them and blow-up our bodies.
Hahahaha...it could not have been said more eloquently or right...
"We blew crap up.
God bless America."
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