Michael Vick

- Graduated from Warwick High School (VA)
- Attended Virginia Tech University for 2 years where he played football
- Drafted by the Atlanta Falcons of the National Football League
- Played six years for the Falcons; voted to Pro Bowl three times
- November 26, 2006- gives Atlanta fans the bird after team's fourth straight loss
- July 2007- charged with a felony for running a dog fighting ring (Bad Newz Kennels)
- September 14, 2007- tested positive for marijuana while on bail
- November 2007-began prison sentance
- July 7, 2008- declared chapter 11 bankruptcy
- May 2009- released to house arrest
- July 27, 2009- reinstated to NFL
- August 13, 2009- signs contract with Philadelphia Eagles
- September 8, 2009- speaks to students at Nueva Esperanza Academy
Barack Obama
Was that an easy decision? The people with the easiest decision are probably those who chose Michael Vick solely on the basis that President Obama is a democrat and they disagree with his policies. Maybe they've lost a love one their job, maybe they threaten to hike taxes to an intolerable point, or maybe they're all just part of a conspiracy theory posing Barack Obama to be the next Adolf Hitler or the antichrist. Presidents aren't perfect, but they are the figurehead of this nation. Does anyone remember "My Fellow Americans?" Two former presidents (one democrat, one republican) find themselves at the bottom of a conspiracy and are on the run. At one point they find themselves hitching a ride with a family in their station wagon. As it turns out, the couple lost their jobs due to Jack Lemmon's budget cuts, and James Garner's economic downturn. You can watch it all on YouTube--I highly reccomend it.
James Madison provided for conflict to exist in the nation when he wrote the constitution. Without conflict, we see things like monarchy, facism and suffering. Conflict provides opportunities for the unhappy to formally rise against those in power and bring about change. President Obama and his supporters seemed to believe change was needed and did something about it. He's no better or worse a man than George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, or Al Gore, although he may be a better speaker. At the end of the day, I think all three of that bunch would agree with what Obama said in his speech to the kids. I've provided a link to that, as well as a recap of Michael Vick's message as well.

- Attended Occidental College in Los Angeles for two years before transferring to Columbia University and graduating with a degree in Political Science
- Director of the church based Developing Communities Project in Chicago
- Graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School
- President of the Harvard Law Review
- Illinois state senator 1997-2004
- Keynote speaker for the Democratic National Convention 2004
- U.S. Senator 2004-2008
- President of the United States 2008-present

James Madison provided for conflict to exist in the nation when he wrote the constitution. Without conflict, we see things like monarchy, facism and suffering. Conflict provides opportunities for the unhappy to formally rise against those in power and bring about change. President Obama and his supporters seemed to believe change was needed and did something about it. He's no better or worse a man than George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, or Al Gore, although he may be a better speaker. At the end of the day, I think all three of that bunch would agree with what Obama said in his speech to the kids. I've provided a link to that, as well as a recap of Michael Vick's message as well.
Who did you listen to?
It was interesting as a freshman at my last school when I was assigned to read Barack's autobiography. It was even more interesting when I realized how liberal the university was, and found out as a news intern, how serious he was about running for president. The drugs and alcohol thing was interesting...
Vick tries to put it his problematic past as being a follower rather than a leader. They're both leaders, but in which direction? They both need to be followers, but which principles will they follow?
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