Friday, January 30, 2009

Hurry, get the kleenex box...or a monkey wrench

No, it's not becasue I'm going to watch Cool Runnings or Horton Hears a Who. I'm sick, and tissue needs to be in hand nearly 100% of the time or snot will be all over my face. It's like a leaky faucet that I just can't contain. Before you know it, I'll flood the apartment, or campus, or Provo. Seriously, I had no idea that this much snot existed within me. Once I think it's done, it starts up again and just keeps on coming; sort of like the Barry Bonds steroids issue on ESPN.

What I really think I need is one of these:
Yep, that'll do it. I think I can get it from Harriet Carter.


mr.math said...

Is this a picture of Harriet? I love her catalogs! Is it true you have to be over 60 to order anything from her?

Lisa said...

You always were a snot. Call me, I'll give you some ideas on how to stop the madness.

R. L. Hall said...

Listen to your mother - or better yet, listen to your wife!